(a) Active Members – Those who are sanctioned by LNSS, as Member Clubs, Member Leagues, and/or Member Teams, in the Register of Members, and who pay requisite dues as determined by LNSS.
(b) Affiliated League – Means an organization administered by a board providing scheduling for teams that are registered through Member Clubs.
(c) Associate Members - are organizations providing development programs within the recreational centre structure and school programs. These members may apply to be associate members but shall not have voting privileges.
(d) Affiliate Members - are those lacrosse entities who provide private or independent development programs in partnership with Lacrosse Nova Scotia through the sanctioning process. These members shall not have voting privileges.
(e) Bench Personnel – Individuals permitted on the bench during a game and included on a team registration form.
(f) Lacrosse Canada (LC)– The national governing body of Lacrosse Nova Scotia Society (LNSS).
(g) Coaches – Persons on the player’s bench who are responsible for teams competing at lacrosse events.
(h) Discipline Committee – A three (3)-person committee appointed annually by the LNSS President to include the LNSS Vice President of Operations as Chair and two other LNSS Board Members. They are tasked with reviewing any claims arising from and as specified in the Code of Conduct and Discipline section of these regulations.
(i) High Performance Event – National Championships and events in which athletes participate representing Nova Scotia as provincial team members.
(j) Host Committee – An organization or group of individuals awarded the right to run/host one of the provincial championships or competitions.
(k) Hosting Agreement – An agreement signed between LNSS, a Host Committee and/or a Host Club sanctioning the running of one of the LNSS provincial championships or competitions outlining roles and responsibilities of hosting a provincial tournament.
(l) In Good Standing – All fees owing to the Society are paid in full and that there is no disciplinary action outstanding.
(m) Lacrosse Nova Scotia Society (LNSS) – The provincial sport organization that governs the sport of lacrosse in Nova Scotia and is a member of the LC.
(n) Lacrosse Teams – Consist of players, coaches and all other team personnel participating at an event, also any group of players organized independently or within a Member Club.
(o) Learning Facilitator (LF) – Individuals who are sufficiently trained in delivering the LC National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
(p) Legal Governing Body (LGB) – An LNSS duly sanctioned lacrosse Member Club, Member Team, or Member League.
(q) Managers – Individuals responsible for the management of lacrosse teams.
(r) Master Coach Developer (MCD) – Individuals who train Learning Facilitators (LF) to deliver the LC National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
(s) Member Club – Means an association of organized teams in a specified geographic area administered by a structured board with formal administrative practices.
(t) Member League – Means an organization administered by a board providing scheduling for a minimum of three teams.
(u) Member Team – A lacrosse team in a specific geographic area administered independently by a structured board with formal administrative practices.
(v) National Coaches Certification Program (NCCP) – A national standard for coach training and certification program in Canada.
(w) National Officiating Certification Program (NOCP) – A national standard and comprehensive system of theoretical, technical, and practical information used to train and certify officials.
(x) Office Staff – Consists of the employees tasked with the day-to-day administration of the LNSS Office.
(y) Officials – Individuals who oversee the game of lacrosse ensuring the rules are followed correctly and applying predetermined penalties.
(z) Personal Information – Information about an individual that includes but is not limited to age, gender, home address, contact phone number, and email address.
(aa) Players – Individuals who participate in the game of lacrosse.
(bb) Protest and Appeals Committee – A three (3)-person committee appointed annually by the LNSS President to include the LNSS Vice President of Administration as Chair and two other LNSS Board Members. They are tasked with reviewing any appeals of decisions rendered by any other LNSS committee, LNSS sub-committee, Member League, Member Club, Member Team, and provincially organized event (POE). They shall serve as the final level of provincial appeal.
(cc) Provincial Invitational Tournament – Tournaments or competitions, which are not Provincial Championships, involving teams from more than one Member Club.
(dd) Provincially Organized Event (POE) – an event that is organized directly by the Board of Directors of the LNSS.
(ee) Residence – The place an individual permanently lives while not at school.
(ff) Sanction – LNSS has right of approval over a member or event such that it falls within its jurisdiction and responsibility through the Bylaws, Regulations and Policies of LNSS and is therefore covered by LNSS insurance policies.
(gg) Sector – A discipline of the sport of lacrosse where the LC chooses to establish rules, regulations, and policies to govern that discipline of the sport.
(hh) Stand Alone Affiliated League – Means an organization administered by a board providing scheduling for teams they form from players who register through their league.
(ii) Trainers – Individuals associated with lacrosse teams used in various roles by their respective teams with respect to player first aid and/or off floor training.
(jj) Usual Residence – Where one lives at least four (4) out of seven (7) days per week.
1.1 Lacrosse Nova Scotia boundaries encompass the province of Nova Scotia.
1.2 There are 6 regions, namely Cape Breton, Central, Fundy, Highland, South
Shore and Valley.
(a) Cape Breton Region includes Inverness, Victoria, Cape Breton and Richmond Counties.
(b) Central Region includes Halifax County.
(c) Fundy Region includes the East Hants portion of Hants County, Cumberland and Colchester Counties.
(d) Highland Region includes Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough Counties.
(e) South Shore Region includes Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth and Digby Counties.
(f) Valley Region includes the West Hants portion of Hants County, Kings and Annapolis Counties.
1.3 Subject to the provisions of this regulation each LGB shall have the right to establish its own boundaries provided that such boundaries do not encroach upon the geographic area of the approved boundaries of another LGB, Member Club or Member Team.
1.4 Subject to the provisions of this regulation, any Member Club or Member Team, which is not a member of an LGB, shall have the right to establish its own boundaries provided that such boundaries do not encroach upon the geographic area of the approved boundaries of any LGB, Member Club or Member Team.
1.5 Any LGB, Member Club or Member Team, which establishes boundaries in accordance with sections 1.3 and 1.4 above, shall submit such boundaries to the Board for ratification. In the absence of any extraordinary circumstances or a conflict with the existing approved boundaries or proposed boundaries of any other LGB, Member Club or Member Team, the Board shall ratify such boundaries as submitted.
1.6 If prior to the ratification of the proposed boundaries the Board becomes aware of any conflict with such proposed boundaries, the Board shall notify in writing each of the parties requesting such ratification, and any parties with whom such proposed boundaries conflict.
1.7 Upon receipt of any written notice from the Board issued pursuant to section 1.06 above, each of the affected parties shall meet and in good faith attempt to resolve the conflict. If the conflict is resolved between the parties within 30 days of the date of the notice issued by the Board pursuant to section 1.06 or such further period of time mutually agreed to by the conflicting parties, a joint written notice signed by each of the conflicting parties shall be delivered to the Executive Director advising the Board that an agreement has been reached, which notice shall outline the agreed resolution.
1.8 If such agreed resolution does not encroach upon the geographic area of the approved boundaries of any LGB, or other Member Club or Member Team, then in the absence of any extraordinary circumstances the Board shall approve such boundary and such decision of the Board shall be final and binding upon the conflicting parties delivering the joint written notice.
1.9 If the conflicting parties are unable, within thirty days of the date of the notice issued by the Board pursuant to section 1.6 or such further period of time mutually agreed to by the conflicting parties, a joint written notice signed by each of the conflicting parties shall be delivered to the Executive Director advising the Board that no resolution to the conflict could not be reached.
1.10 In the event the conflicting parties can reach no resolution, each of the conflicting parties shall be entitled to make written submissions to the Board in support of their respective positions. Each of the conflicting parties shall also be entitled to attend and make verbal submissions to the Board at its immediately next succeeding meeting. Once the Board has received and reviewed the written submissions, if any, and heard any verbal submissions made by the conflicting parties, the Board shall then decide the matter on the issue of the proposed boundaries and such decision of the Board shall be final and binding upon the conflicting parties. The Board will take no adverse inference from the failure of a conflicting party to make either written or verbal submissions and shall make its decision upon the merits of the individual circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
1.11 If prior to the ratification of the proposed boundaries the Board becomes aware of any extraordinary circumstances with respect to such proposed boundaries, the Board shall notify in writing the party requesting such ratification of the nature of such extraordinary circumstances and advising such party that it has an opportunity to either provide a written submission in support of such request or the opportunity to attend the immediately next succeeding meeting of the Board to provide verbal submissions in support of its request. Once the Board has received and reviewed the written submission, if any, and heard any verbal submissions made by the requesting party, the Board shall then decide the matter on the issue of the proposed boundaries and such decision of the Board shall be final and binding upon the requesting party. The Board will take no adverse inference from the failure of a requesting party to make either written or verbal submissions and shall make its decision upon the merits of individual circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
1.12 Any boundary dispute between any Member Club or Member Team within an LGB shall in first instance be resolved by the affected LGB in accordance with its own governing documents. Any decision by an LGB with respect to a dispute between any Member Club or Member Team within a given LGB may be appealed to LNS, as any other decision of a Member.
1.13 A Member Club or Member Team shall not withdraw from its then approved
LGB after January 15 in any calendar year without the approval of the board of the said LGB, such approval may not be unreasonably or arbitrarily withheld as such action has a significant affect upon the boundaries of an LGB. If a Member Club or Member Team makes application to withdraw from its then approved LGB and such application is denied by the LGB such decision of the LGB may be appealed to LNS, as any other decision of a Member.
2.1 Except as hereinafter provided, no player shall be registered as a member of, or compete for, a team in any LNS match who has not been a bona fide resident within that team’s boundary area as established by LNS or LGB since January 1 of the playing season. A residence shall be the area in which the player has been living with their
family/guardian as of January 1st of the playing year. If a player makes a bona fide change of residence after January 1st and has qualified with a club, such a change of residence must be brought to the attention of the registrar before such a player is entitled to play with the club they first qualified with.
2.2 If there is no team in the player’s division within the Boundary area in which the player resides, or if the player does not reside within a recognized Boundary area, players must play in the Boundary area that is nearest by ordinary travel, which has a team registered in their division. A player may not establish residency for the principal purpose of playing or practicing Lacrosse.
2.3 The Regions of LNS are as per Regulation 1.02. The Boundary areas of a LGB are those that are established by that LGB. Club Boundaries are those established by its LGB.
2.4 If a player wishes to play on a team outside their Boundary area and if both Clubs (the one releasing and the one receiving the player) agree to the release, then the player may play for the team outside their Boundary area. If the player's resident Boundary area team does not agree, the release request must go to the requesting player’s LGB or, in the case where there is no LGB, then to the LNS VP of Operations whose decision may be appealed to the Discipline/Appeals Committee. The Discipline/Appeal Committee’s decision will be final and binding. At both levels, the request and submissions of the two (2) Clubs, if any, shall be in writing and there shall be no hearing. The player and the Clubs shall be provided with copies of the written submissions and shall have the opportunity to respond in writing. There shall be no appeal. A decision will be made within seven (7) days of receipt of written request.
2.5 The form of release shall be provided by LNS, and unless specifically stated to be otherwise will be effective for one season only. A copy of all releases must be sent to the LNS Office.
2.6 All university players should register in the club within whose boundaries they reside. If they are from another MA, they must provide proof of release and transfer from the club/team who holds their rights, approved by that MA. For Junior A play only, university players are subject to be drafted.
2.7 Within Nova Scotia, all box lacrosse players below the age categories of Senior, must register with the club whose boundaries they currently reside within. There are no designated, geographic boundaries and/or affiliations associated with the age categories of Senior, Adult and Masters.
2.8 In Major Lacrosse, the East Coast Junior Lacrosse League and the Nova Scotia Senior Lacrosse League may establish their own boundary requirement, which may differ from the above.
2.9 All players must be accurately registered in the recognized LNS registration database.
3.1 Box Sector:
(a) July 1 shall be the final date for signing or releasing of players within a MA or AMA with the following exception signed players released from any team within a MA or AMA before July 1 can be signed by another team within that MA or AMA on or before July 15, and shall be eligible to compete in LC competitions.
(b) Any player securing a release from his MA or AMA can sign with another team within another MA or AMA and still be eligible to compete in LC competitions provided his release was secured and registered according to the guidelines of the Inter-Member or Associate Member Transfer policy in this Section.
(c) Masters players must be registered and in good standing with a Member/Associate Member by July 1 of the competitive year.
3.2 Field Sector:
(a) Players must be duly registered with their respective MAs or AMA’s by August 15 (Junior/Midget) and September 10 (Senior) of the competing year in order to be eligible to play in the National Competitions.
(b) Players must have played a minimum of three (3) games with the competing team in the current or previous season in order to be eligible for Lacrosse Canada National or Invitational Competitions.
(c) Players wishing to play in a province or jurisdiction other than their home province or jurisdiction must follow the proper transfer procedures as outlined in this section. A copy of the release documentation must be attached to the player's registration form at the Competitions.
(d) Non-Canadian players shall have residency in a province or jurisdiction twelve (12) months prior to the start of national competitions in order to play with that MA’s or AMA’s team.
3.3 Women’s Field Sector:
(a) Players must be registered with their respective MAs or AMAs by the guidelines established in each MA or AMA. In order to be eligible to play in a National Championship Tournament, the player must be registered with the MA or AMA no later than one (1) month prior to the commencement of the tournament.
(b) Players wishing to play in a province or jurisdiction other than their home province or jurisdiction, must follow the proper transfer as outlined in this section. A copy of the release documentation must be attached to the player's registration form at the tournament.
(c) Non-Canadian players must have residency in a province or jurisdiction six (6) months prior to the start of national championships in order to play with that MA’s or AMA’s team.
3.4 Provincial Team Eligibility:
(a) All provincial players must be registered in a Member Club or Member Team, where available, in order to register, tryout and play on provincial teams.
4.1 The following are registration date deadlines:
(a) Player registration deadline date - May 15th for box lacrosse and October 1st for field lacrosse.
(b) Coach registration deadline date- June 1st for box lacrosse and October 1st for field lacrosse.
(c) Referee registration deadline date- June 1st for box lacrosse and October 1st for field lacrosse.
(d) Volunteer’s registration deadline date-June 1st for box lacrosse and October 1st for field lacrosse.
4.2 Registration Package for Individuals
(a) The package used by each of the clubs and stand-alone affiliated league teams, to register their individual players, must at the very least contain the following:
- Registration Form
- Medical Form
- Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability
- Code of Conduct
(b) The Registration Form must include a “privacy statement” that basically conveys the following message, “That all personal information collected is for the sole purpose of servicing and administering the lacrosse programs of LNSS and its affiliates. And that no personal information will be provided to any third party without the written consent of the individual or parents / guardians of an individual, whichever is appropriate.”
(c) An “Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability” is a legal document and as a result, the witness must be present when the participant or the participant’s parent / guardian, whichever is applicable, reads and signs the document.
(d) No individual shall be permitted to play until they have a completed registration package on file with the appropriate, Member Club Registrar or Stand-Alone Affiliated League Registrar.
4.3 Documented Proof Associated with Registration Process
(a) Prima Facie, proof of age, shall be established by filing with the Member Club, Member Team, or Stand-Alone Affiliated League or Stand-Alone Affiliated League Team, an official document issued by the Registrar General's Department (official birth certificate), in the province where they were born, or a baptismal record, or other satisfactory documentary evidence.
(b) Documented proof of a family’s or individual’s primary residence, if under the age of majority must be provided by either the player or the player’s parent/guardian, if requested by a Member Club, Stand-Alone Affiliated League or Stand-Alone Affiliated League Team, whichever is applicable.
(c) Residence is established by the following criteria:
(i)The parents’ usual residence when the parents live in the same house, or if one of the parents is deceased the usual residence of the surviving parent.
(ii)In cases where parents do not live in the same residence, the legal residence is the usual residence of the parent having legal custody of the player; or if both parents have legal custody the usual residence of the parent with whom the player usually lives; or again, if the player lives equally with both parents, his/her place of residence shall be determined by LNS.
(iii)When legal custody has been granted to a third person, the usual residence of that person.
NOTE: The term “usual residence” is defined as four (4) out of seven (7) days.
NOTE: In the application of the above, the term “legal custody” and/or “legal guardian” refers to the granting of custody as determined by a court of law in one of the following circumstances:
(A) The application of the Divorce Act,
(B) In the case of an order enforcing or recognizing a legal separation agreement,
(C) loss of parental authority,
(D) when it is deemed the child’s development is compromised,
(E) when both (2) parents are deceased,
(F) married, or the equivalent of married.
4.4 Failure to Meet Registration Obligations
(a) Any Member Club, Stand-Alone Affiliated League or Stand-Alone Affiliated League Team failing to register each and every player and/or pay the appropriate registration fees, when invoiced by the LNSS Treasurer, may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the LNSS Discipline Policy.
5.1 The LNSS Executive Director will invoice membership fees for the box sector season, 50% based on the previous year’s registration numbers by May 1st and the adjusted balance by June 1st of each box season.
5.2 The LNSS Executive Director will invoice for membership fees for the field sectors, in full, by October 1st of each field season.
5.3 Box lacrosse fees for active members are as follows: U7 and U9 fee is $15 per player, U11 and U13 fee is $55 per player, U15, U17, Intermediate, Junior and Senior fees are $60 per player, Jr Masters and Senior Masters fees are $30 per player.
5.4 Men’s Field and Women’s Field lacrosse active member fees are as follows: U7 and U9 fee is $15 per player, U11 and U13 fee is $55 per player, U15, U17, U19 are $60 per player. Players also registered for box lacrosse will pay half the active member fee for their age category.
5.5 Associate member team fees are $425 per team.
5.6 Coach fees for all sectors of lacrosse are $10 per coach.
5.7 Official fees are $15 per official, paid from certification fees.
6.1 LC Age Categories-Eligibility to compete in programs of the LC and its MAs and AMAs is governed by the age limits for each category as established by the Sector.
(a) Competition for the box sector will be structured in the following categories:
Category |
Age |
Senior Masters |
35 and over |
Junior Masters |
22 - 34 |
Senior |
Over 21
Junior |
21 and under |
Intermediate |
18 and under |
U17 |
15 and 16 |
U15 |
13 and 14 |
U13 |
11 and 12 |
U11 |
9 and 10 |
7 and 8
5 and 6 |
(b) Competition for Men’s Field Sector will be structured as follows:

Senior Competitions |
Categories |

Age |
Masters |

35 and over |

19 and over
Junior/Youth Competitions |
Categories |
Age |
U19 |
17 and 18 |
U17 |
15 and 16
U15 |
13 and 14 |
U13 |
11 and 12 |
U11 |
9 and 10 |
U9 |
7 and 8 |
U7 |
5 and 6 |
(c) Competition for the Women’s Field Sector will be structured as follows:

Senior Competitions |
Categories |

Age |
Masters |

35 and over |

19 and over
Junior/Youth Competitions |
Categories |
Age |
U19 |
17 and 18 |
U17 |
15 and 16
U15 |
13 and 14 |
U13 |
11 and 12 |
U11 |
9 and 10 |
U9 |
7 and 8 |
U7 |
5 and 6 |
6.2 Age categories for lacrosse
(a) Age for all sectors of lacrosse is determined to be the age of a player that he or she is or will be in the calendar year of the current playing season. For example, for play anytime from January 1 and December 31, 2023 inclusive, the calendar year is 2023. If a player turns 22 years of age in 2023, he/she is ineligible to play Junior in 2023.
7.1 Safety and Equipment-LNSS adheres to LC Safety and Equipment regulations listed in Section 12 of their Operations Manual.
7.2 Insurance coverage is a key safety concern for all players, coaches, officials and volunteers. LNSS insurance coverage will apply to all POE’s, tournaments, recruitment events, fundraising events, Member Teams, Member Clubs, Member Leagues and provincial teams, as long as the appropriate forms and paperwork are submitted to the LNSS office through the Executive Director to the VP of Operations, in advance of the event or seasonal activities. Insurance information and sanction forms are available for this purpose from the ED and/or on the LNSS website and will be required.
8. PLAYER MOVEMENTS (Within a Club or Club to Club Same League)
8.1 General
(a) A. This section applies to player movements within a Member Club or from Member Club to Member Club in the same Member League.
(b) Any player moves approved under this section, including those that are described as permanent, shall only be good for the current playing season.
(c) It is imperative that due diligence be continually exercised throughout this section, by those authorized to make approval decisions, especially in the area of permanent moves.
8.2 Permanent Move “Playing Down” Within a Club
(a) No player can play below his or her own age category, except in the case where a league(s) has been given approval, by LNSS, to operate a division(s) of play that encompasses more years than the standard documented by the LC.
(b) A player may be approved to play down an age category due to proven documented medical issues.
(c) A player may be approved to play down an age category due to proven size and skill level according to LC LTAD.
8.3 Permanent Move “Playing Up” Within a Club
(a) In the event that a club does not have enough players registered in an age category to field a team and club to club moves are not a viable option; those players that are registered may play for the same club, subject to the prior approval of the appropriate league’s Executive Committee, in the age category that is one above their own.
8.4 Club to Club Within Same League
(a) In the event that any club has a surplus of registered players, in an age category or categories, then any required moves to other clubs, within the same league, to accommodate those surplus registrations will be controlled and approved by the appropriate affiliated league’s Executive Committee.
(b) In the event that LNSS accepts a new club into the Society and this necessitates a revision to existing boundaries, any existing players whose home club changes shall, at the onset of registration process, belong to the club they played with the previous season. However, after the new club’s first season, the exact opposite shall apply, regardless of where they played the previous season the players must now register with the club whose boundaries they live within.
8.5 Permanent Move Minor to Major
(a) A Minor aged player (U17 and below) may not sign permanently for any Major level (Junior or Senior) team.
8.6 Affiliation Play Minor to Major
(a) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Minor aged player (U17 and below) may play up to Major level with their affiliated association with the permission of the Minor player’s coach. There is no limit to the number of games the minor aged player may play under the Major level. The Minor coach or Minor association designate must ensure the player’s Minor obligations, including practices, league games and tournament games are fulfilled throughout. The priority of play is always at the Minor level first.
8.7 Violation of Play Minor to Major
(a) Violation of any of the above shall result in suspension of the player and the coach of his Minor level team. The coach of the affiliated Major level team will have any instance where this happens reviewed by the Commissioner of said league and the information will also be provided to LNSS.
9.1 Any transfers under this section that are inter-provincial, require a LC “Inter-Member Transfer”.
9.2 A player must apply for a release from their Member Club to play for the next closest Member Club by Apr 1st of the current playing season. All players must be registered, and LC approved for the current season prior to applying for a release. A player will be eligible for one release per playing season, per sector. Such release shall become official immediately upon LGB and LNSS approval.
9.3 A player, resident of a city, town, municipality, or boundaries set out in ratified league agreements, et cetera as of January 1 of the playing year, represented by a team(s) entered in a category for which they are eligible to play, must register with that team(s) except where such players’ services are waived by the team(s), and subject to the regulations here printed. Stand Alone League rules will determine the length of time a player must not play in the lacrosse sector in question before becoming a ‘free agent’. Within ratified boundaries that contain more than one team, the distribution of players graduating will be outlined in the appropriate league agreement, which has been ratified by the LNSS.
9.4 No player transferring into this province shall be permitted to dress, for his or her new team, until they have on file, with LNSS, a one hundred percent completed Transfer Form.
(a) Any player that is or was registered, in the previous season, for a team in a stand-alone affiliated league cannot play, without first obtaining a release and transfer, for a different team in the self same stand-alone affiliated league or any other stand-alone affiliated league within the province.
(b) Once a player has been listed on a Junior roster and it has been approved by the League Commissioner, the team having signed the player will retain the rights to their services until they are released, unless they have been signed on the privilege of conditional release recognized by the LNSS.
(c) This rule supersedes the residence rule. A player released by a junior club, for which they are bound by the residence rule, will have their choice of signing with a team in the same league for which the player is eligible.
9.5 Stand-Alone Affiliated Leagues in Nova Scotia
9.6 Inter-Member Within Canada
(a) Inter-Provincial Transfers shall comply with the most current LC Player Transfer policy. Inter-Provincial Transfer is the responsibility of the player and the teams involved with the transfer, subject to LNSS residency rules.
10.1 No player, or potential player, shall be contacted by anyone connected to a Boundary area outside the players’ Boundary area in which the player, or potential player, resides about playing for a team in another Boundary area without first receiving written permission of the President of the Member of the Boundary area in which the player or potential player resides.
10.2 Any LNSS member and/or club found tampering with players or obtaining releases for players or not otherwise complying with intent of the residence rule regarding releases shall be suspended until dealt with and/or be fined ($250) dollars. The player(s) will not be eligible to sign with the team with which they have participated without permission of LNSS.
10.3 Tampering shall be defined as follows: Inviting or allowing to participate in camps, clinics, practices, or to play in any scheduled or exhibition games, a member of another club, without first having obtained written permission from that club.
10.4 In Major Lacrosse, the East Coast Junior Lacrosse League may establish its’ own regulations in regards to tampering which may add to those listed in LNSS Regulation 10.
11.1 Guiding Statements
(a) A. Affiliation is an internal club process that is defined as, the temporary use of a player(s) by a team one-age category above the player’s own age category for the purpose of replenishing the aforementioned team, that is short-benched due to injury, suspension or player shortage.
(b) Each individual club's executive can define their own internal guidelines that they will follow to ensure an un-biased application of the full contests of this section.
(c) If any problems arise out of these regulations pertaining to affiliation, LNSS will make the final determination.
11.2 LNS Policy Statements
(a) During any playing season (Jan 1st to Dec 31st) any minor player (U15 age category or younger), may only be brought-up, on a per sector basis, for a maximum of five (5) games.
(b) Prior to any approach being made to the individual player, by the coach of the higher age category team, the player’s parents and the lower age category coach must have granted their permission for the approach to be made.
(c) At any time during a pending or proposed affiliation move, the low age category coach can opt to veto said move only if the circumstances are such that the player(s) and/or team will be adversely affected.
11.3 Some Shall and Shall Not Items
(a) A. Each Affiliated League’s Executive Committee or its specified designate shall, prior to the opening of its league play each season, document and submit to the LNS, for its approval, any changes to their league’s affiliation regulations.
Note: If any league is requesting any special modification(s), such as goalkeepers being permitted to play-up more than five (5) games in a season, to the LNSS Policy Statements they must submit for approval to the Executive Director of LNSS a clearly and precisely defined rationale for any such request(s).
(b) Any affiliate (player or players brought-up) shall be clearly identified on the game sheet by writing the initials AP in the left-hand margin opposite the applicable name or names.
(c) Under no circumstance shall a player be permitted to play-up on a night when their regular team has a game.
(d) Verified affiliation violations shall result in suspension, even if it has to be administered after the fact, of the player or players brought-up and the coach of the higher age category team.
(e) Each affiliated league’s / stand-alone affiliated league’s Executive Committee or its specified designate shall be solely responsible for the ongoing monitoring and the administering of any required disciplinary action.
12.1 Lacrosse Nova Scotia complies with the LC Risk Management Policies Section 3.8 of the LC Operations Manual.
12.2 LNS requires Criminal Record Checks and Vulnerable Sector Checks for all coaches, assistant coaches and trainers as outlined in the LNSS Policy Manual.
13.1 Exhibition Games
(a) The President of LNSS (or designate) may approve exhibition games played between Provincial Member Associations with permission from the Member Association involved and upon such terms and conditions as may be designated by the Canadian Lacrosse Association (LC).
(b) No team shall be permitted to participate in any Inter-Provincial games of any kind without permission of the LNSS President (or designate). All requests must be submitted in writing to V.P. Operations or the LNSS Executive Director at least 21 days prior to event.
(c) Exhibition Games outside of Canada may be arranged with the approval of Lacrosse Canada, through Lacrosse Nova Scotia.
13.2 Tournaments
(a) The following rules and regulations apply for sanctions of all inter-association and inter-provincial tournaments, festivals and series of games other than LNSS Provincial Championships. A tournament is defined as a contest involving a number of competitors who vie against each other in a series of games or trials in which a tournament champion is declared. In addition, all non-competitive tournaments, festivals and series of games require LNSS sanctioning prior to taking place in the province.
(b) The VP of Operations will use the following format to determine the date, location & priority of all sanctioned events:
(i)National Championships
(ii)Provincial Championships and
(iii)Association or Club Tournaments
(c) Any request for sanctioning of events on obstructed time slots will be dealt with by the VP of Operations or their designate on a first come, first serve basis.
(d) The sponsoring club/team shall submit the Lacrosse Nova Scotia Sanctioning Form requesting permission to stage a tournament. A tournament application must be filed at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the start of a tournament, along with a tournament sanction fee as stated in the current LNSS policies. The approved application will then be sent to the applicant; the LNSS Referee in Chief and a copy retained at LNS.
(e) A list outlining the members of the Organizing and Discipline Committee must accompany the application prior to a sanction being awarded.
(f) Entry into approved tournament(s) shall be limited to teams, which are properly affiliated with this Association and/or other Provincial Associations.
(g) Only properly registered players, in good standing, shall be permitted to participate.
(h) Teams participating in an approved tournament, desiring to use the service of a player registered with another club, must first obtain written permission from the club for which the player is registered.
(i) Participating teams shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) guest players.
(j) Only those referees Lacrosse Nova Scotia or Lacrosse Canada certified shall be appointed to officiate. Names of those referees on the Official List are available through the Head Office of the LNSS.
(k) Associations of the sponsoring team(s) shall be responsible for deciding disciplinary matters, which may arise. Discipline procedures must be in accordance with the LNSS disciplinary guide.
(l) The Lacrosse Nova Scotia shall not be held responsible for any emergency medical or injury expenses incurred by an athlete, sponsor, executive, volunteer or representative of any participating club as a result of activities sanctioned herein.
(m) The Lacrosse Nova Scotia must be notified of the intention to include the hosting and/or servicing of alcoholic beverages at all social venues.
(n) The Lacrosse Nova Scotia shall not be held responsible for any financial losses incurred by the sponsoring league, club, team or individual.
(o) The applicant hereby acknowledges the jurisdiction of LNSS during the time period authorized by this Hosting Permit.
(p) The tournament sanction fee shall be set at $50, which shall be paid before the sanction can be approved.
13.3 Minor Exhibition Games
(a) All exhibition games between teams from different LGBs or teams, without a local governing body, including provincial team exhibition play, must be sanctioned by LNSS.
(b) All teams are to have written permission from the appropriate Local Governing Body or club President (for teams without a Local Governing Body).
(c) The host team must supply floor time and assure scheduling and payment of officials through the Nova Scotia Lacrosse Officials Association. Two referees must be assigned.
(d) Confirmation of all requirements must be supplied to both Local Governing Body Presidents or Club President (for teams without a Local Governing Body) and the LNSS Office through the Executive Director.
(e) The LNSS office will confirm sanctioning once all requirements are met.
13.4 Travel Permits
(a) All travel permits will be reviewed and approved by the travel permit committee, which consists of the VP of Operations, Provincial Coordinator and the Executive Director.
(b) Should a conflict of interest emerge committee members will be appointed by the LNSS President
(c) A team wishing to compete in games or a tournament in another provincial association and/or national association must first submit the Travel Permit to its local association and then to Lacrosse Nova Scotia. The Permit must be received by LNSS within the following time limits:
(i)Inter-Provincial Tournament ………………14 days before the event
(ii)United States ……………………………… 30 days before the event
(iii)International…………………………………45 days before the event
(d) Traveling team rosters submitted to the LNSS shall consist only of those players who meet the age eligibility of the competition they are attending unless exemptions are obtained. LNSS will sanction only those teams that have given one (1) months notice of intent to travel with details of the event they will be attending. Teams declaring the intent to travel will have the right to withdraw their intention to travel at any time.
(e) Only teams made up of players and coaches duly registered with the Lacrosse Nova Scotia can obtain a travel permit. All traveling teams will be required to supply names of ALL participants, including athletes, coaches, managers and any additional bench personnel.
(f) All coaches are subject to minimum coaching certification as required by the LC/LNSS and all participants must be in good standing with the LNSS and eligible to travel. This information must be forwarded to the V.P. Operations no later than the minimum of ten (10) working business days BEFORE the date of travel.
(g) All Provincial Teams are required to fill out a travel permit as well.
(h) Travelling teams may only compete against opponents or in tournament matches approved in this permit. Games must be sanctioned by a recognized lacrosse governing body in order for accident / liability insurance to be valid.
(i) Travelling teams must adhere to the rules of the competition in which it is participating.
(j) Teams participating in any tournament and/or exhibition series shall abide by the host’s rules in regards to any minor and major suspensions, which may be more or less severe than LNS minimum suspensions. However, any gross or match penalties must be served and reported in accordance with LNSS minimum suspension policies.
(k) Teams must ensure any suspensions in force from their local club / LNSS are served during the games / tournaments covered by this Permit. Any new suspensions obtained at the games / tournament covered by this Permit shall be carried over and served during subsequent local club / LNSS games.
(l) Submit a copy of all game sheets to your local association president within seven (7) days of returning from tournament. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action / suspension of the coach(s) and/or forfeiture of any deposit levied with this application.
(m) Travelling teams shall remain subject to the Operating Polices & Codes of Conduct in so far as disciplinary matters and behavioral conduct are concerned. Teams are representing their local association and the provincial association; therefore, the conduct of the team must be indicative of this responsibility.
(n) Teams that have players that have not reached the age of majority (minors), there will be no alcohol allowed at any time, by anyone while the team is:
(i)Attending a function together as a team,
(ii)Traveling together via bus, airplane, train, or other form of transportation that the team is using to attend or during the tournament,
(iii)In hotel rooms or at social functions.
(o) It is the managers responsibility to also insure each player/coach/manager completes and signs a “Participant Travel Contract – PROVINCIAL TEAM/CLUB TEAM” prior to any player traveling as a provincial team member/club member.
(p) Failure to comply with the proper procedures outlined in this travel permit may result in the Association, Team and/or Coach being reviewed by a discipline committee. Any team traveling without proper authorization or valid travel permit, or ineligible player and/ or coach will be subject to a $1,000 fine and/or suspension.
(q) The manager and coach of the provincial teams are required to complete a “LC Team Travel Agreement” for each tournament/Championship that the teams plan is scheduled to play in. It is the coaches and managers responsibility to enforce the terms of these agreements.
(r) Those players, coaches, management or team personnel whose actions are deemed to be contrary to these agreements will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors of the LNSS.
13.5 Member Leagues, Member Clubs and Member Teams
(a) All active member leagues, clubs and independent teams must apply for sanctioning annually.
(b) Sanctioning requires submission of the LNSS Sanction Form, their financial statement of the previous year (in the Registry of Joint Stocks financial document format) and a list of their Executive members, including a contact email and phone number for the Commissioner/President, Treasurer and Registrar.
(c) All sanctioning documents are due by April 15th for the box season and August 15th for the field season.
(d) All active member leagues, clubs and independent teams must also submit a complete list of their coaches and managers (if applicable) before their game schedules begin.
14.1 LNSS League Structures
(a) An “Affiliated League” is an incorporated executive body that governs
(b) the overall operations of a group of Member Clubs that, in-turn, each run and operate several lacrosse teams of various age categories, for a specified geographic area, under their own elected executive body. Typically, such a league would cater to all the age categories from Tyke to Intermediate.
(c) A “Stand-Alone Affiliated League” is an incorporated executive body that governs the overall running and operating of a group of independent and self-sufficient teams that each has their own team management panel. Typically, such a league only caters to one age category within the Junior to Master range of age categories.
15.1 Coaching Certification
(a) Each team in Field and Box lacrosse shall comply with LC Minimum Standards for coaches. In order to be eligible to coach, all coaches must meet the requirements of the LNSS Minimum Standards as applicable to each discipline of lacrosse.
(b) In all games (including regular league, playoffs, tournaments), teams are required to have all bench personnel who are on the bench meet the LC Minimum Standards. In practices, teams are required to have at least one of the supervising coaches trained as per LC Minimum Standards.
(c) In all games for Provincials, and games sanctioned on travel permits, teams are required to have all bench personnel who are on the bench meet the LC Minimum Standards.
(d) Bench personnel are determined as per LNSS Registration system for each team. Bench moms can handle off bench circumstances but must be registered. Only coaches with appropriate training and certified trainers are allowed on the bench.
(e) All coaches must be 16 years of age in the year he/she wishes to attend a coaching clinic and coach an LNSS sanctioned team.
(f) The LNSS Office will verify LC Minimum standards. Member Clubs will be notified of those who have not met LC Minimum Standards.
(g) Coaches must meet the Minimum LC Standard as listed in the LC Coach Certification Regulations
(i)LC Box Coach Certification Regulations 18.7
(ii)LC Field Coach Certification Regulations 19.6
(iii)LC Female Field Coach Certification Regulations 20.6
15.2 Trainer Certification
(a) Trainers must have the appropriate certification. Appropriate certification is defined as one of the following:
(i)Any St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid course of 8 hours (or more)
(ii)Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid & Basic Rescuer CPR course
(iii)Canadian Red Cross Sport First Aid course
(iv)Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP)
(A) An appropriate designation (examples: MD; RN; Physiotherapist, Police Officer;
(B) Firefighter, Chiropractor; Registered Massage Therapist).
(C) From the above, please be clear CPR (as a stand-alone certification) is NOT an equivalency.
(D) The LNSS recognizes only one trainer per team to address those specific activities (activities which would not include coaching athletes).
15.3 Officials Certification Program
(a) The certification program that encompasses all lacrosse sectors is described under the LC Operations Manual Section 23.
(b) The LNSS Referee-In-Chief (RIC) implements and leads the development of the officiating programming for certification in the province of NS.
(c) The LNSS RIC works in conjunction with the Nova Scotia Lacrosse Officials Association Executive to further the goals of improved referee standards, evaluation and mentorship for all lacrosse sectors in the province.
(a) All disciplinary action and / or penalty assessments documented within this section are either clarifications of who the “appropriate governing body” is or additions to what is called for by the LC in their Rule Books. This Code of Discipline applies to all pre-season, league, league playoff, recreational and exhibition games played within Nova Scotia by any, recreational teams, affiliated league teams, stand-alone affiliated league teams, regional teams, travel teams and provincial teams.
(b) Each season, each and every league must submit a “Sanctioning Request/ Approval Form” to the Society. The LNSS approving said request(s) mandates the applicable affiliated leagues and stand-alone affiliated leagues to develop or continue to operate under, which ever is applicable, their own individual Code of Discipline, elect or appoint their own Suspension Coordinator and Discipline Committee to apply and administer their own automatic one or two game suspensions, committee generated three to five game suspensions and accumulation policies for the repeat offenders, on a day-by-day basis.
(c) Given that the Game Sheets and when applicable Game Incident Reports are the only official documented proof of what transpired at any given time during any given game, the LNSS demands that the Referees in conjunction with the Minor Officials ensure that both of these documents are, at all times, clear, concise and accurate. Game Sheets must be accurate with respect to the timing of all events that occur during a game, the size of each bench, individual player’s numbers including goalkeepers, goal scorers, who assisted on each goal, penalties assessed, head coaches names and the names of all referees and minor officials that worked the game. Game Incident Reports shall always be duly submitted in a timely manner, by the appropriate referee(s), for the following penalties; any five-minute major(s), game misconduct(s), gross misconduct(s), match(s) and any bench clearing incident. In the event that the referee(s) fail to comply with this directive, they could be fined.
(d) The LNS hereby defines, that for both box and field lacrosse the referee’s jurisdiction shall begin fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled game time and shall continue until the teams have entered either the dressing rooms or the designated changing areas after the game. Warnings and/or Penalties can be assessed throughout this entire jurisdiction period. Reference: CLA’s Box Lacrosse Rule and Situation Handbook – Rule 23, Referees.
16.2 LNS Actionable Items
(a) Match Penalty assessed for Molesting Officials shall result in an indefinite suspension of the offending person until the LNS Discipline Committee can deal with the matter.
(b) If an individual accumulates any two-way combination of the following penalties, Gross Misconduct and Match (e.g. GRM + M or GRM + GRM or M + M) he or she shall be indefinitely suspended, from the date of the second infraction, until the LNSS Discipline Committee can deal with the matter.
(c) In the event of a Bench Clearing incident occurring, the head coach or head coaches shall be indefinitely suspended until the LNS Discipline Committee can deal with the matter. The club or clubs involved shall automatically be fined $125.00 by the LNS.
(d) For each of the previous items in this sub-section, the initial steps are that the applicable Suspension Coordinator shall first notify the offending person or persons of their indefinite suspension and then he or she shall gather all the appropriate documentation and forward it on to the LNS. On receipt of all the documentation the LNS shall proceed in accordance with the Discipline – Operating Policy.
16.3 LNS Directives, Actionable by Others
(a) A Gross Misconduct Penalty or a Match Penalty that does not involve molesting officials shall result in a minimum 2 Game Suspension pending further review by the applicable affiliated league or stand-alone affiliated league Discipline Committee.
(b) Any Game Misconduct Penalties assessed to an individual that simply cannot be served in the game they are called (e.g. during a major melee the referees call three game misconduct penalties on the same player) shall result in the applicable affiliated league or stand-alone affiliated league Suspension Coordinator assessing an automatic one-game suspension per game misconduct penalty not served, which would have been at least two (2) in the quoted example.
Note: Since ten-minutes is charged on the game sheet against any assessed game misconduct penalty, the affiliated league’s or stand-alone affiliated league’s must identify within their Code of Discipline how they will be treat game misconduct penalties that are assessed within the last ten-minutes of a game.
(c) Any member(s) of the Bench Personnel who persist in using abusive language and/or progressively losing their self-control shall be quickly escalated, by the referee and/or the referees, through the following per individual punishment cycle, one warning
misconduct. Obviously any further antics, by the individual, on his or her way from the bench to the dressing room could warrant a Gross Misconduct Penalty being assessed.
(d) Any suspended individual cannot participate in lacrosse in any capacity until his or her suspension has been completely served. All player and bench personnel suspensions must be served in “consecutive regularly scheduled games” of the appropriate team or bench.
The appropriate team or bench are identified below:
- Player suspensions must be completely served on the team that the individual is officially registered with.
- Bench Personnel suspensions must be completely served on the bench that the individual was suspended from.
- any in-province, season’s end, carry over suspensions shall re- commence with the first regularly scheduled game that occurs for the individual with their new official team or bench.
- any out-of-province carry-over suspensions, associated with an inter-member transfer, shall commence with the first regularly scheduled game that occurs for the individual after they have signed with their new club or new team.
- When time suspensions (e.g. six months) are assessed an actual return date will be identified in writing to all of the concerned parties.
(e) Note: The day-by-day monitoring and administration of the above suspensions is the responsibility of the Suspension Coordinator of the applicable affiliated league or stand-alone affiliated league.
(f) Player suspensions assessed to a “provincial team member" or "travel team member" must be completely served, in so far as is possible, on the team that the individual is officially registered with. But any un-served suspensions that exist when the team leaves the province shall be carried over into the event that the team is attending.
(g) Important Note: If there is a carry-over involved the coaches have the authority to cut the suspended individual from the team.
(h) Bench Personnel suspensions assessed to a “provincial team member” or "travel team member" must be completely served, in so far as is possible, on the bench that the individual was suspended from. But any un-served suspensions that exist when the team leaves the province shall be carried over into the event that the team is attending.
(i) Important Note: If there is a carry-over involved the LNS almost certainly will cut the suspended individual from the team.
(j) Note: The ongoing monitoring and administration of the above suspensions is the responsibility of the LNS Board member assigned to do the job.
(a) This section applies to the Protest and Appeals Committee, as defined in the definitions section of these regulations.
(b) Appeals can be made to LNSS for any residency, registration or suspension decisions made by a Member League, Member Club, Member Team, and/or POE.
(c) Appeals shall be directed to the LNSS Protest and Appeals Committee. The cost of the appeal shall be two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars and shall be non-refundable.
(d) Only matters stated in the written appeal will be addressed at the meeting.
(e) In case of appeal, the appeal must be heard within seven (7) days at a meeting, either in person or by telephone, and the meeting shall confirm, cancel or alter the decision on appeal.
(f) See Appendix A for details of Appeal Procedure.
18.1 Provincial Qualification Games shall be determined, on a year-by-year basis, dependent on the number of eligible teams.
18.2 Provincial Tournament
(a) All teams participating in Provincial Championships must be registered with the LNSS registration system. The rosters for the Provincial Championship will be those that are registered with the LNSS, as per the LNSS registration system. All changes to the LNSS rosters must be submitted for approval 72 hrs. prior to the first game of the applicable Provincial Championship at which time the rosters are frozen.
(b) To be eligible to participate in LNSS Provincial championships 75 % of a Provincial roster must be made from the teams original LNSS registered roster, rounded down.
(c) Local Governing Bodies who do not have a recognized league must register these teams with the LNSS to qualify to participate in the Provincial Championship Tournament.
18.3 Final Standings Tie Break Formula
(a) In the event of a tie in point standings in a competition, final standings shall be determined as follows:
(i)If two teams are tied, the winner of the game or games between the two teams advances. If a tie still exists, the goal average formula listed below will be used.
(ii)If three or more teams are tied, and if one team has defeated the other teams with which it is tied after round robin play, the team shall advance. Otherwise the team with the best goal average shall advance.
(b) The goal average is calculated by dividing the total goals for, by the total goals for plus the total goals against.
(i)Only the goals scored in games between the tied teams is used in the goal average formula for tie breaking.
(ii)The team with the greater resultant number shall advance (GOALS FOR DIVIDED BY GOALS FOR + GOALS AGAINST)
(iii)The formula is applied once to rank all tied teams.
(c) If a tie still exists between teams, the winner of the game(s) between the two teams advances.
18.4 Player Eligibility
(a) All players must be duly registered with the LNSS registration databank and listed on the team’s roster, for the current year.
18.5 Coach Eligibility
(a) All coaches must be duly registered with the LNSS registration databank for the current year.
(b) All Coaches must meet CLA Coaching Standards.
18.6 Playing Area
(a) Only LNSS authorized coaching/trainer personnel, player personnel, officials, LGB representatives and the LNSS representative are permitted in the dressing room, bench area and playing surface during game play.
18.7 Minor Box Provincial Rules
(a) All Member Teams or Member Clubs that host a Provincial Tournament within the Province of NS will comply with the rules set out as follows.
18.8 Minor Box Playing Rules
(a) The CLA Rules of Box Lacrosse apply with the exception of punishments for infractions of the rules where those punishments are by LNSS Rules more severe than the CLA’s.
(b) The CLA’s Coaches Code and the CLA Coaching Philosophy for Minor Lacrosse must be adhered to. Adherence to these Guidelines will be monitored and interpreted by the LNSS Representative.
(c) All games will start on time unless otherwise decided upon by the LNSS Representative.
(d) WARM UP: there will be a three (3) minute warm-up before game time.
(e) Game Times:
(i)Pee Wee games will be three (3) fifteen minute stop time periods, (1.5 hr. time allowance).
(ii)If a goal differential of six (6) or more goals is present at anytime during the game, at the next whistle to start play, the clock will run at straight time. If the goal differential is brought within four (4) goals, the clock shall return to stop time at that time.
(iii)30-second clock will be in effect for all minor levels
(iv)STRAIGHT TIME PENALTIES: a two (2) minute penalty running time, to start at start of play (whistle).
(v)STOP TIME: the clock will stop only when: 1. A penalty is called, 2. A
face-off takes place, 3. A goal is scored, or 4. A referee signals for the clock to stop.
(vi)There will be a three (3) minute rest period between periods
(vii)HOME teams must be prepared to change their jersey if asked to do so by the Referee.
(viii)OVERTIME: all games are to be played out (including round robin).
(ix)In Round Robin there will be five (5) minute sudden victory periods until a goal is scored. There will be one (1) minute rest period between each five (5) minute period.
(x)In Medal games only, as per CLA. Rule 20: exception is made to rest time between periods, which will be (5) minutes.
(xi)All games are to be played out (including round robin). TWO points for a win and ZERO points for a loss are awarded.
19. AMENDMENTS (to Regulations at General Meetings)
These regulations may be amended by majority vote at any board meeting of LNS, providing 7 days notice of the intended amendment is circulated to all board members. The President will decide a tie vote. There is no proxy voting.
Appendix A
(a) “Appeal” refers to the Appeal conducted under this process;
(b) “Appeal Board” refers to the Protest and Appeal Committee;
(c) “Appellant” refers to the member appealing a decision;
(d) “Hearing” refers to the hearing conducted under this process;
(e) “May” refers to a choice to act or not;
(f) “Member” is defined in the LNS By-Law 2: Membership.
(g) “Notice of Appeal” refers to the application filed in accordance with this process; “Party” or “Parties” refers to any person affected and participating in the Appeal; “Respondent” refers to the individual or body whose decision is being appealed. “Working Days” refers to LNS offices hours and if a holiday falls within this time frame then the time is extended to the next day that the LNS office is open.
General Powers
1. The Appeal Board has the power to manage its own processes and may produce rules respecting practice and procedure to enable the unbiased and timely resolution of the matters before it.
2. Without limiting section (1), the Appeal Board may make rules as follows:
(a) Relating to holding of pre-hearing conferences which might include confidential conferences, requesting parties to attend a pre-hearing conference;
(b) With respect to receipt and disclosure of documentation;
(c) Regarding the exchange of records and documents by parties;
(d) Regarding written submissions by parties;
(e) Specifying the form of application and time within which and how the party must respond to the application;
(f) Regarding service of the documents;
(g) Regarding each party providing a mailing address and/or email address for service;
(h) Regarding procedures for preliminary or interim matters;
(i) Regarding any additional parties to an application;
(j) Regarding adjournments;
(k) Regarding the joining of applications;
(l) Regarding witnesses to an application;
(m) Regarding non-compliance with the Protest and Appeal Boards rules;
(n) Regarding access and restrictions to documents; and
(o) Regarding the admissibility of video evidence.
3. Any changes to the rules in this section may be made at a General Meeting of LNS.
4. The Appeal Board is to ensure that these rules of practice and procedure are available to the Members and public.
Withdrawal or settlement of application
5. The applicant must inform the Appeal Board if all or part of the issue has been settled. Upon receipt of settlement the Appeal Board must inform all parties that the application.
Service of documents
6. The applicant must provide to the LNS written notice by email and/or mail no later than seventy- two (72) hours. If notice is provided by email, the payment in the amount of $250.00 must be received by LNS within seventy-two (72) hours of written notice.
7. The Appeal Board will provide any and all documents received from the applicant to any person named in the application by ordinary mail and/or email to the last known address. That person will be able to respond to the materials.
Notice of Appeal
8. The Notice of Appeal must include the following:
(a) Contain the applicants name, address, phone number(s) and e-mail address;
(b) Identify the decision that is being Appealed;
(c) State why the decision should be changed;
(d) State the outcome requested; and
(e) Must include the required fee.
Time Limits
9. The Notice of Appeal must be filed in the LNS office no later than 72 hours after the decision being made.
10. The commencement of an Appeal does not operate as a stay or suspend the decision being appealed.
11. The Chair or delegate shall hold an Appeal hearing within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of the Notice of Appeal.
Disclosure of Documents
12. Appeal Board members and/or parties to the Appeal must not disclose or be compelled to disclose any documentation or statements made by a party in the dispute unless the matter proceeds to criminal court or civil court.
Summary Dismissal
13. At any time once an application has been filed, the Appeal Board may dismiss all or part of it if the Appeal Board determines that:
(a) the application is not within the jurisdiction of the board;
(b) the application was not filed within the applicable time limit; and
(c) the application was made in bad faith or filed for an improper purpose or motive.
14. If the Appeal Board dismisses all or part of the application, the chair must inform all parties of the decision in writing within 24 hours and the reason for that decision.
15. A party to the application may provide a witness statement in writing if that witness is relevant to the issue(s) in the application.
16. The Appeal Board and a party to the application have the right if necessary to ask questions to the witnesses for a full and fair disclosure of the matters relevant to the hearing.
17. The Chair may limit the examination of the witness if he/she is satisfied that the questions have been answered.
Recording of hearing
18. The Chair or designate will take minutes of the hearing. These minutes will be forwarded to the LNS Executive Director to keep on file.
Form of hearing of application
19. The hearing may be in any combination of written, telephone, and in person.
20. The Chair has the right to adjourn a hearing if required and provide reasons for the adjournment.
21. The Chair must ensure that the adjournment does not impact any of the parties in a negative way.
22. The Chair may receive and accept information that it considers relevant, necessary and appropriate to the matter that is being appealed.
23. The Appeal Board may attach terms or conditions to a decision.
24. The Appeal Board’s decision is effective on the date on which it is issued, unless otherwise specified by the Appeal Board.
25. The Chair must communicate the Committee's final decision in writing within 24 hours to the parties affected by the decision, and give reasons for the decision. A copy of this letter must be sent to the LNS Executive Director to keep on file.
Immunity for Appeal Board
26. The Chair, Appeal Board members or other officer who makes a decision in an application within their performance of a statutory duty or in the exercise of statutory power is not subject to legal proceedings.