2024 Box Coach Clinics & Certification
2024 Community Development Box Coach Certification Clinics
Lacrosse NS is offering a Community Development Box Lacrosse Certification Courses this spring to prepare for the 2024 season. The classroom sessions will be held at Sport Nova Scotia 3rd Floor Classroom, 5516 Spring Garden Road in Halifax. The on floor sessions will be held at the Gray Arena, 15 Monique Drive in Dartmouth. There are pre-clinic online prepartory sessions required, details to be provided by KJ MacNeil.
3 Community Development Clinics Offered
1. Classroom, Saturday, March 16, 10 am-4pm; On Floor, Sunday, March 17, 1:30-3pm; Cost $85
2. Classroom, Monday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 9, 6:30-9:30pm both nights; On Floor, May 12 11am-1pm, Cost $85
3. Classroom, Saturday, May 11, 10am-4pm; Sunday, May 12, 11am-1pm, On Floor, , Cost $85
2 Competition Introduction Box Lacrosse Certification Courses
1. Classroom, Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 10am-4pm; On Floor TBA, Cost $100
2. Classroom, Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9, 10am-4pm; On Floor TBA, Cost $100
Please note, attendance at the entire clinic is mandatory, the classroom session and the on floor session.
Please contact KJ MacNeil for information on these clinics: lacrossetechdirector@sportnovascotia.ca
If you have any problem registering online, contact Donna Goguen for assistance: lacrosse@sportnovascotia.ca
Which Coach Clinic Should I take?
Community Development: This is the first training level in the coaching stream, and is a pre-requiste to the Competition Introduction Coaching Clinic. If you have never taken a coaching clinic before, this is the clinic you should begin with.
Competition Introduction: If you have successfully taken your Community Development Coaching Clinic, then this is the next step in your coaching pathway progression.
Note: If you would like to get both your levels this season take the Community Development Clinic on the dates offered,and then take the Competition Introduction.
Please note:
Registrants must be 16 years of age by the time of the clinic. No exceptions. This age criteria is determined by the Coaching Association of Canada who will only approve Community Development Coach Clinics on their Locker website if the registrant taking the clinic is 16.
If you have any questions regarding registering for the Coaching Clinics, please contact KJ MacNeil - lacrossetechdirector@sportnovascotia.ca.