NCCP Training Information
National Coaching Certification Program
What is NCCP?
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) provides standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education to coaches and coach developers across 65 sports. The CAC manages and delivers NCCP training through its partner network of 65 National Sport Organizations and Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations.
NCCP Lacrosse
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is here to help you be the best coach that you can be. When you take an NCCP clinic, you'll gain lacrosse technical abilities as well as leadership and decision-making skills. NCCP training will open doors to new opportunities in coaching and in life.
PLEASE NOTE: All coaches should consult their provincial lacrosse association prior to registering for this program. Your provincial association may have made special arrangements with Lacrosse Canada and already purchased an account for you.