Lacrosse is a distinctly Canadian sport. Although its inception is surrounded by myth, this game began with the First Nations people. Originally, lacrosse was characterized by a deeply spiritual involvement, and those who took part did so with the highest ideals of bringing glory to themselves and their tribes. Today, lacrosse has four disciplines – Box, Men's Field, Women's Field, and Intercrosse – and has evolved from a spiritual game of our First Nations into the exciting, thriving sport played across our country.
Along with teamwork, lacrosse teaches participants fundamental movement skills, fundamental sport skills and the ABCs – agility, balance, coordination and speed – of physical literacy.
Lacrosse’s Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model consists of seven stages.
- Active Start (M, F 0-6) – Teaches fundamental movement skills and basic rules, and links them together into play.
- FUNdamentals (M 6-10, F 6-7) – Introduces skills and the ABCs through physical activity.
- Learn to Train (M 10-12, F 8-10) – Addresses more advanced skills, tactics and mental preparation and introduces competition.
- Train to Train (M 12-16, F 11-14) – Continues to develop skills and physiological capacities through increased competition, with effort spent on talent identification.
- Learn &Train to Compete (M 16-23+/-, F 15-21+/-) – Optimizes fitness preparation, further develops skills and tactics, and begins specialization in the sport through year-round physical training.
- Learn & Train to Win (M, F 17+/-) – Maximizes performance by consolidating and perfecting all skills and capacities, while performing to win.
- Active for Life (M, F all ages) – Encourages all individuals to remain physically active, either competitively or recreationally, for life.
Lacrosse For Life: Overview
The aim of this LTAD model is to promote the development and continued success of our sport in Canada by creating an optimal player development pathway. Three of the disciplines have Lacrosse for Life documents, to view the specific discipline documents please refer to the Box and Field menu tabs.
Drill and Skill Cards
This reference guide explains various drills and skills used in lacrosse.